It’s been a while since our last post here. So I am not really sure how to start this. Life has just been happening. Let’s play catch up, maybe that would be a good place to start. I will try to answer a few questions that keep popping up..
On not posting
“Are you pregnant?”
Please stop asking, when that time comes, we shall all carry our baby with pride and walk that journey together.
On relationship matters;
“I thought you were a stud?”
At She’s A Tomboy, we love who we choose to love without judging. We don’t assume, we let love win and we respect that space.
On quitting the blog:
Anytime I think of quitting, I remember the girls in my inbox who wish they had the freedom to express themselves without the fear of being judged by society and that gives me the push.
Life happens and being human, it can get overwhelming; or may need your attention more than every other thing and it is okay to take a break to focus on what matters.
How have you all been?
Photography : Otieno Nyadimo

Love & Love…
2 thoughts on “The Grey Life…”
Looking beautiful
Thank you